Campsite Courtesies for Pet Parents

Pet parents who take their four-legged friends camping should follow easy rules to ensure that their fellow campers feel comfortable and safe around their pets. Moreover, following simple courtesies will ensure that your pet remains safe during your adventures. We’ve compiled a quick guide for all pet owners to follow when camping.
Take care of your pet waste
Properly disposing of your pet’s waste is critical no matter your environment. However, some owners forget these courtesies when camping. Even though you may be outdoors, you still need to pick up your pet’s waste and dispose of it correctly. Letting your pets relieve themselves in someone’s campsite, a picnic area, or a recreational area is not okay if you aren’t willing to pick it up. These areas get a lot of foot traffic, so practice this quick task to keep the area clean and enjoyable for all.
Respect fellow campers’ boundaries
You must respect the boundaries of other campers. You may love having your dog around you, but that doesn’t mean everyone else does. When walking your pet throughout a park or campground be sure to keep them on a leash. Additionally, you should know your pet’s boundaries and stop people from trying to pet your dog without your permission. Boundaries will keep others and your furry friend safe.
Pack for your pet too
When getting ready for a camping trip with your pet, you need to pack all the essentials for them too. This goes beyond the food and water supply they will need. You will also want to bring along an animal first aid kit, a sleeping pad, waste bags, an extra leash and harness, portable food and water bowls, and medications for your pet when applicable.
Check out the Red Cross pet first aid app here
Mealtime manners
Another practice that will help your pet when camping will be consistent mealtimes. Try to feed them at the same time every day when on the trip. Additionally, only take out your food when you are going to eat. Many campers leave snacks out around their campsites. This can be distracting for your pets and affect their behavior.
Sleep with your pet
When camping, you should keep your pet in your RV with you at night. Tying your dog outside for the night is not appropriate. Your dog could run off and disrupt other campers or, even worse, could get harmed by a wild animal. When you are inside your unit, your pet should be with you. This will help your pet feel more secure in an environment that is new to them.